Discounts DetailsQ2 2024 Earnings: 10 spread-free trades 1. Available from 24.06.2024 (00:00:00h UTC) until 30.06.2024 (23:59:59h UTC). 2. For the spread-free trades to be added, the customer needs to log-in to his/her account within the above-mentioned period. Spread-free trades will be given only upon first log-in within the above-mentioned period. 3. Spread-free trades need to be used within 3 days (72 hours) after receiving them. 4. Spread-free trades are valid for trades where the “Enable 100% spread cashback on this position” is enabled (tick the box to enable it). 5. All trades that are opened without activating the cashback tool (point 4 above), will be opened with a normal spread being charged. 6. All trades opened after the 10 spread-free trades are used, will be charged with normal spread. 7. Rollover during this period will be paid based on the last rollover paid before the start date in point 1 above. 8. Clients can request the removal of the spread-free trades at any given moment by contacting the customer support team.