Economic calendar Always keep an eye on the Finansero’s Economic calendar As every experienced trader knows, it is crucial to stay informed and keep in mind the major scheduled financial data releases worldwide. Finansero’s Economic calendar is a guiding light through the sea of financial information. It sets the significant events that could change the direction of the global economy or set a trend that only you could spot and be the first to act on the market. Generally, the Economic calendar proves to be very useful in giving you the big picture and keeping you aware of when the next meeting of a central bank will be held or another and of other important announcements. By using Finansero’s Economic Calendar, you have the option to filter events based on their market importance. What other benefits does the Economic Calendar of Finansero offers? It can be an excellent tool for more effective risk management and the improvement of your trading strategy. On top of that Economic calendar can be customized to fit your needs and investing profile. Make Economic calendar part of your routine Make the use of the Economic Calendar part of your daily routine. For example, you can set an alert and check it every morning. This way, all upcoming events will stay fresh in your memory and will be in the back of your head when making your investment decisions. Real Time Economic Calendar provided by Real Time Economic Calendar provided by